10 maart 2007

School 2.0

David Warlick: trends in informatie in 3 ronde puntjes

It’s my nature to reduce things down to elevator speeches, to three bullet points, to a simple but illustrative diagram. I’ve said before that information, as a result of Web 2.0:
  • Comes increasingly out of conversations that people have (blogs/wikis),
  • Comes increasingly under the control of people who use it (RSS/Aggregators), and
  • Comes to connect people through their ideas (blog linking and search engines)

Each of these characteristics is empowering. They empower us by valuing out ideas and stories, our ability and need to shape information for our needs, and our need to connect and communicate with other people who can help us do our jobs. (2 cents worth)

En David besluit:
A while back, I was writing about a school that I had visited, where they were implementing a variety of Web 2.0 applications — and I suggested that, having removed some of the boundaries of the old school, they were still looking for new places upon which to get traction. I wonder now, if perhaps it is the students themselves where traction can be found — and if maybe that’s where it should have been all along. There is a certain amount of logic to teaching from standards. But there is no energy in standards. When classrooms become increasingly flat and we can no longer rely on gravity to drive learning — then we have to find new energy, and that energy is in our students. (accent van mij)